Eat & Sleep in Peace:

Wellness Consulting & EMF Solutions

Charlotte Kikel

Board Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Registered Herbalist (AHG)
Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist (EMRS)

505-954-1655 office


Turmeric: Sunshine for Your Soul

Turmeric: Sunshine for Your Soul

When we look at the history of herbal medicine, we see a set of healing tools passed down from generation to generation, through observations and stories. Now, in our modern world, we elevate science above all other ways of knowing and the double-blind, placebo...

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If You’re Not Weird, You’re Screwed

If You’re Not Weird, You’re Screwed

This last weekend, I had the pleasure of attending a seminar by Dr. Michael Gaeta, titled All Disease Becomes Autoimmune. While I learned a lot, Dr. Gaeta made a statement that moved me. He said, “If you’re not weird, you’re screwed.” I’m going to tell you why....

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When Exercise Becomes a Drug

When Exercise Becomes a Drug

While watching the gymnastics and swimming portions of the summer Olympics, I’ve been reflecting on our relationship to our bodies and exercise. Obviously, some people are literally born to be high performance athletes (check out this video by David Epstein to learn...

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Ask Char: How Can I Shake My Cravings?

Ask Char: How Can I Shake My Cravings?

Dear Char: How can I make sense of my cravings for certain foods? I feel so confused! Great question. I have certainly struggled with this over the years, and I hope that these seven guidelines can help. Consider the possibility that all cravings come from a dietary...

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Politics, Vitality, and Strong Women

Politics, Vitality, and Strong Women

Last night, my husband and I enjoyed a much-needed date night, which was also the first night of the democratic convention. At one point in our conversation, he turned to me and said, “You know something? I am shocked at the number of women who hate Hillary Clinton.”...

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A Self-Care Guide for Highly Sensitive People

A Self-Care Guide for Highly Sensitive People

My husband and I have an inside joke: he married me AND my nervous system. Why would I talk about my nervous system as a separate entity? Well, because it dominates my experience here on this earth as a human being. I am what Elaine Aron calls a Highly Sensitive...

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Cooking: Is It Just a Big Pain in the ASS?

Cooking: Is It Just a Big Pain in the ASS?

A few months ago, my husband and I were watching an episode of House of Cards, and these monks were making this amazing piece of art with sand. It was part of a peace keeping ritual, I think. There were four monks blowing colored sand in these intricate shapes. It was...

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