Eat & Sleep in Peace:

Wellness Consulting & EMF Solutions

Charlotte Kikel

Board Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Registered Herbalist (AHG)
Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist (EMRS)

505-954-1655 office

About Charlotte

About Glenn

Charlotte Kikel

My most vivid childhood memory was lying on the couch watching cartoons with my mom leaning over me, asking, “Are the people singing in your chest?” Doctors diagnosed me with asthma when I was three-years-old, but it took me thirty years to realize that I never had asthma.

Glenn Kikel

Charlotte’s husband Glenn Kikel often accompanies her on healthy home inspections and EMF evaluations. You get to reap the rewards of their working together!

Working with Charlotte:

If nothing else all your homemade goodies were to die for, but I really enjoyed these smaller classes which left more time for discussion of others thoughts and experiences. I also like learning about the herbs specifically and different ways to use them and then being able to link them back to specific SP and Medi Herb products. Every class has made me feel more knowledgable and given me more confidence to go out and help others.


What a wonderful class! I am so happy I was a part of this! You have opened our eyes to how important these liquid herbs are. You did an excellent job in the content you included and your method of teaching. Your passion for herbs was so inspiring and addictive. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us.

The only suggestion I can make is, please to more classes! Part II please!


These herbal classes have been a wonderful and educational experience. It has exceeded my expectations. The knowledge I have received from Charlotte has been priceless.

My only request is Part II or more classes in the series. The food and hospitality was excellent. Charlotte was very knowledgeable on all topics. My wife and I thank you. We have no complaints.

Dr. Harlan Burhaus

Working with Charlotte:

I’ve never felt better and I have Charlotte to thank! She offered me warm and friendly consultations to help get my health back on track. She is so confident with the knowledgeable that she has that I was completely comfortable confiding in her and following her advice.


I just love Charlotte’s passion for herbs and her astounding knowledge of the nature and essence of plants. It is impossible to not get excited about herbs when she talks and teaches about them.

Kim J

Charlotte displays the perfect combination of knowledge and compassion. During her seminars, I was impressed by her seemingly effortless grasp of science – both in terms of nutrition and physiology. The honesty and empathy that comes from her personal experience made me feel very comfortable with her advice.
